

8th Intl Conf on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2020)  (Jan 4-5, 2020)

Second International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Security (ADCONS'13)  (Dec 15-17, 2013)




  1. 1-day Workshop on “Innovations with Intel oneAPI” in collaboration with Intel India (Oct 31, 2022)    [Coordinator - Anand Kumar M.]

  2. 2-day Skill Development Program on “Document Setting using LaTeX” (Sep 29-30, 2022)    [Coordinator - Bhawana Rudra]

  3. 7-day SERB Sponsored Workshop on "Advanced Topics in Network Security and Cryptography" (May 30-June 5, 2022)  [Coordinator - Bhawana Rudra]

  4. First Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages @ EACL 2021 [Coordinator - Anand Kumar M]

  5. Five day AICTE Sponsored Online Workshop on "Data Science" (Sep 21-25, 2020) [Coordinator - Anand Kumar M]

  6. Five day AICTE Sponsored Online Workshop on "Cybersecurity" (May 25-29, 2020)  [Coordinator - Bhawana Rudra]

  7. AICTE Sponsored Five-day Workshop on "Blockchain Technology" (Dec 16-20, 2019) [Coordinator - Bhawana Rudra]

  8. TEQIP-III Workshop on "AI & ML Applications in Emerging Areas of CS/IT (AIML 2019)" (Dec 9-13, 2019) [Coordinators - G. Ram Mohana Reddy, Kiran M, Anand Kumar M, Bhawana Rudra]

  9. One day Seminar on "Serverless Computing Applications" (Nov 27, 2019)  [Coordinator - Biju R Mohan]

  10. Two day NITK-HPE Workshop on Computer Networks (Oct 22-23, 2019) [Coordinators - Sowmya Kamath S and Geetha V, in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Bangalore]

  11. National Workshop on High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA 2019) organised as part of NITK Diamond Jubilee Celebrations (Aug 12-17, 2019)  [Coordinators - Sowmya Kamath S and Geetha V]

  12. TEQIP III Sponsored Workshop on Deep Learning for Big Data and Cyber Security Applications (Jul 1-5, 2019) [Coordinators - Bhawana Rudra, Anand Kumar M, G Ram Mohana Reddy]

  13. TEQIP III Sponsored One Week Workshop on Predictive Analysis and its Applications (PAA 2019) (as part of NITK-GEC Jhalawar Twinning activities, Jan 14-18 2019) [Coordinators – Sowmya Kamath S and Geetha V]

  14. One day Workshop on Internet of Things (22 March 2019) [Coordinators -  Geetha V and Sowmya Kamath S]

  15. NITK-RDL - Makeathon 2019 (16-17 March 2019) [Coordinators -  Geetha V and Sowmya Kamath S]

  16. HP Enterprise Workshop on "Experience the Power of HPC" (9th March 2019) [Coordinators - Sowmya Kamath S and Geetha V]

  17. One Week Workshop on "Predictive Analysis and its Applications (PAA 2019)" (14-18 Jan 2019) [Coordinators - Sowmya Kamath S and Geetha V]

  18. Two day Workshop/Seminar on New Frontiers in Cloud and Fog Computing for Big Data and Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications (31 Dec-1 Jan 2019) [Coordinator - G. Ram Mohana Reddy]

  19. TEQIP III sponsored workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, April 13th, 2018  [Coordinator - Sowmya Kamath S]

  20. AMD TechDay 2018 (Programming Contest) on 23 March 2018.  

  21. One day Workshop on Deep Learning for AI by resource persons from Intel, Bangalore, on 20 March 2017;  [Coordinator – Ananthanarayana V.S]

  22. One day Workshop on Internet of Things by resource persons from Research Design Lab, Mangalore, on 13 January 2017;  [Coordinator – Geetha V]

  23. One day Workshop on Containers Technology by resource persons from Dell R&D, Bangalore, on 18 March 2016;  [Coordinators – Ananthanarayana V.S and  Dinesh Naik]

  24. One day Workshop on Intel HPC Code Modernization (Parallelization) on 7th November 2015;  [Coordinator Geetha V]

  25. TEQIP-II Sponsored 3-day Research Workshop on "Human Centered Computing: Tools and Applications",  from 25th27th June 2015.  [Coordinator G. Ram Mohana Reddy]

  26. TEQIP-II Sponsored 3-day Research Workshop on "Research Issues In Green Cloud Computing", from 18th – 20th June 2015. [Coordinator – G. Ram  Mohana Reddy ]

  27. TEQIP-II Sponsored One day Workshop on "Capacity Planning in Virtualized Environments" on Monday 20th March 2015, 8.00AM to 5.30PM,  Dell R&D, Bangalore. [Coordinators Biju R. Mohan and  Dinesh Naik]

  28. TEQIP-II Sponsored One day Workshop on "Software Testing" on Monday 24th of February 2014, 8.00AM to 5.30PM,  Resource persons from Dell R&D, Bangalore.     [Coordinators –  Dinesh Naik and Biju R. Mohan]

  29. TEQIP II sponsored Workshop on "Attacks of Different Layers of TCP/IP & Tools for Analysis (AoDL-TCP/IP 2013)" on 10th and 11th October 2013.  [Coordinators – Jaidhar C.D. and Dinesh Naik]

  30. TEQIP II sponsored One day Workshop on "Virtualization"  on September 27th, 2013.

  31. TEQIP II sponsored research workshop on “Research Trends in Information Technology (RTinIT 2013)"  during 11th and 12th July 2013. [Coordinators – Biju R Mohan and Dinesh Naik]

  32. Joint workshop on Computer Networking between NITK and HP,  at NITK Surathkal on April 3rd 2009, with the objective of initiating research collaboration between HP and NITK in the area of Computer Networks. 

Contact us

Head of the Department,
Department of Information Technology,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
SurathkalP. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Ph.:    +91-824-2474056
Email:  hodit [at] nitk [dot] edu [dot] in

Web Admin: Sowmya Kamath S

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