Course Name:
Blockchain Technology (IT433)
Credits (L-T-P):
Blockchain Architecture, P-2-P Networks, Blockchain Networks, Transaction Life Cycle, Role of Miners in Blockchain Technology, Consensus Algorithms, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Elapsed Time, Round Robin-Advantages and Disadvantages, Candidate Blocks, Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Blockchain: Challenges and Risks, Introduction to Blockchain and IoT, Challenges of Blockchain in IoT, Risks of using Blockchain in IoT, The optimum Secure IoT Model, Blockchain in Intelligent Vehicles, Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Insight from Enterprise Resource Planning, Next Generation Blockchain Enterprise Artificial Intelligence System, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Chains, Blockchain Technology Use Cases in Health Care, Blockchain Technology Use Case in Smart City Applications. Blockchain Hands on for generating Genesis Block.