Course Name:
Advanced Network Security (IT703)
Credits (L-T-P):
Basics of Network Security: Cryptography, Terminology, Mathematics (One way functions, Discrete Log problem, Integer Factorization), Background (App developers, Hosters, Listers, payloads, Attack life cycle), Authentication and Authorization, Defensive and Secure Programming, Threat Modeling and changes to SDL; Intranet Security: SPAM, Virus and Worms, Social Engineering, Network Management, Vulnerable Applications, Uneducated Users vs Spies, Firewall and DMZ, Piracy; Penetration Testing: Ethics, Moral, Legal values and repercussion, Procedures, Tools, Metasploit and Exploit db; Internet Security: Server side security (Webserver, Database server, Appserver, Compromised user accounts), Client side security (Browser security, Malicious Webserver and Victim Webserver, Malware and terms), Ecommerce (Internet Banking, E-shopping, Mobile Banking –Transactions & Reporting, Trading), Identity Theft (Password Stealing - Phishing/Keyloggers/Malware/Tab nabbing/Social Engg, Tools, Best Practices), Privacy (Introduction, Rights, Legal issues, Online services, Facebook, Google, Social web and Virtual Worlds), Cloud security, Mobile security (Challenges and Malware); Recent trends.