
Course Name: 

Cyber Security (IT750) (2018 Curriculum)


M.Tech (IT)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-2) 4


Basics of Network Security: Cryptography, Terminology, Mathematics (One way functions, Discrete Log problem, Integer Factorization), Background (App developers, Hosters, Listers, payloads, Attack life cycle), Authentication and Authorization, Defensive and Secure Programming, Threat Modeling and changes to SDL; Intranet Security: SPAM, Virus and Worms, Social Engineering, Network Management, Vulnerable Applications, Uneducated Users vs Spies, Firewall and DMZ, Piracy; Penetration Testing: Ethics, Moral, Legal values and repercussion, Procedures, Tools, Metasploit and Exploit db; Internet Security: Server side security (Webserver, Database server, Appserver, Compromised user accounts), Client side security (Browser security, Malicious Webserver and Victim Webserver, Malware and terms), Ecommerce (Internet Banking, E-shopping, Mobile Banking –Transactions/Reporting, Trading), Identity Theft (Password Stealing - Phishing / Keyloggers / Malware / Tab nabbing/Social Engg, Tools, Best Practices), Privacy (Introduction, Rights, Legal Issues, Online Services, Facebook, Google, Social Web and Virtual Worlds), Cloud Security, Mobile Security (Challenges and Malware); Provable Security, Secure Multi-party Computation, Recent Trends.


“Information Assurance – Dependability and Security in Networked Systems”, Yi Qian David Tipper, Prashant Krishnamurthy, James Joshi, (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking), 2008.
“Network Security Essentials”, William Stallings, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
“Internet and Intranet Security”, Rolf Oppliger, 2nd Edition, Artech House, 2007.
“Computational Intelligence in Information Assurance and Security”, Nadia Nedjah et al, Springer 2007.
“Security in Distributed and Networking Systems”, Yang Xiao and Yi Pan, World Scientific Publishing, 2007.
“Network Security Private Commn. in a Public World”, C. Kaufman, R. Perlman, M. Speciner, Prentice Hall, 2002.
“Applied Cryptography, Code Complete, Secure Programming”, Articles and papers from
“Fundamental Problems in Provable Security and Cryptography”, Alexander W. Dent (Research Paper).
“Cryptography: An Introduction”, Nigel Smart, 3rd Edition, Mcgraw-Hill, 2013.
“Secure Multiparty Computation and Secret Sharing An Information Theoretic Approach”, Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgard and Jesper Buus Nielsen, 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
“Cryptography and Network Security”, Behrouz A Forouzan/Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2015.


Information Technology

Contact us

Head of the Department,
Department of Information Technology,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
SurathkalP. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Ph.:    +91-824-2474056
Email:  hodit [at] nitk [dot] edu [dot] in

Web Admin: Sowmya Kamath S

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