Course Name:
Topics in Social Media Analysis (IT928)
Credits (L-T-P):
Introduction and Phenomenology of Social Media: Social Information Processing in Social News Aggregation, Influence and correlation in social networks; Social Network Analysis: Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, Four Degrees of Separation; Topic Analysis: Probabilistic topic models, Matrix Factorization Techniques For Recommender Systems; Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining; Influence and Centrality in Social Networks; Wikipedia Knowledge Extraction; Search Query Logs; Social Ties and Information Diffusion; Social Ties and Link Prediction; Social Spam & Malicious Behavior; Geospatial Social Data Mining; Privacy in a Networked World; Health and Social Media; Politics and Social Media; Predicting Future with Social Media; Emotional Contagion, Friendship Paradox and Detection of Contagions; Crowd Sourcing; Modelling individuals and collective behaviour; Social Multimedia Analysis: Photos, Videos.