Course Name:
Topics In Multimedia Information Retrieval (IT932)
Credits (L-T-P):
Introduction to multimedia information retrieval, Characteristics of MM data; similarity-based retrieval model- retrieval framework; feature engineering for multimedia, feature selection and extraction techniques, Color-based Retrieval: color models; histogram model; indexing and retrieval; relevance feedback; histogram refinement; color cluster technique; Texture-based Retrieval: texture models; statistical models; combined color-texture representation; Shape-based Retrieval: shape matching; contour -based method (Fourier descriptors); region-based method (moment invariants); Audio Retrieval: characteristics of audio data; spectrum analysis; pitch tracking; techniques for audio feature extraction, similarity matching and retrieval; Video Retrieval: Video segmentation in raw and compressed domain; key-frame extraction; video summarization and retrieval techniques; Multimedia Retrieval Framework: multi-attribute query processing; knowledge-based methods, Evaluation metrics for multimedia information systems; benchmarking, Multimedia Retrieval Trends, Applications; Research Problems.